E-Prime® 2.0

E-Prime® 2.0 Overview

E-Prime® is a suite of applications to fulfill all of your computerized experiment needs. Used by more than 15,000 professionals in the research community, E-Prime® provides a truly easy-to-use environment for computerized experiment design, data collection, and analysis. E-Prime® provides millisecond precision timing to ensure the accuracy of your data. E-Prime's flexibility to create simple to complex experiments is ideal for both novice and advanced users.

The E-Prime® suite of applications includes:

  • E-Studio - Drag and drop graphical interface for experiment design.
  • E-Basic - Underlying scripting language of E-Prime (nearly identical to Visual Basic for Applications™).
  • E-Run - Once experiment design is complete, a single mouse click generates it into an E-Basic script. E-Run then affords you the millisecond precision of stimulus presentation, synchronizations, and data collection.
  • E-Merge - Quickly and easily combines your single session data files for group analysis.
  • E-DataAid - Data management utility that allows you to filter, edit, analyze, and export your data.
  • E-Recovery - Recovers data files in the event of early terminated experiments, or lost or corrupted files.

New with version 2.0

  • Enhanced graphical interface
  • Ability to play digital movies as stimuli (MPEG, AVI, WMV)
  • Copy & paste objects between experiments
  • Digital recording of participant vocalizations
  • Increased display speed for bitmap transfers
  • Support for additional image formats
  • Support for presentation of stimuli on multiple video displays
  • Display stimuli on any attached monitor
  • Improved audio support
  • Support for UNICODE and international fonts
  • Support for new devices (Joystick, Parallel Port Device, Network Socket Device)
  • Expanded support for larger scripts
  • Improved documentation and indexing of online Help
  • A comprehensive scripting language
  • Professional version available with additional capabilities

Response Devices

Psychology Software Tools offers response devices for data collection in every environment. Our Fiber Optic Button Response System is safe for MRI and MEG settings. All of our response devices are optimized for increased performance when integrated with E-Prime.


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